Who is Coming With ME?



“Pack your Bags who is coming with me?”  My Aunt Judy who is in Florida now told me before she left.  “Come on down honey – we would love to have you!”.  She just didn’t give me the address yet.  When I call there is no answer, all I get is their answering machine. “Sorry we can’t get to the phone, we are at the Beach, leave a message!” Well I have left a few messages and now I am starting to wonder if maybe she didn’t really mean she wanted to see me and my two young children on her holiday.

My parents didn’t even invite us down, they know me better. They know we would have jumped on that plane and came for a wee visit. I still have nightmares of the plane ride with my son last year, we took him to Florida and it was just not fun. You hear about those parents whose toddlers are banned from planes, well that was us. Or it could have been.  I vowed never again, but as I stare out the window and all I see is white, blinding snow my thoughts drift to palm trees, sand and surf.  It has snowed 5 cm in just the last hour. I think to myself “It wasn’t that bad, he is older now.” Funny how we can rationalize anything.

Waking up this morning and checking the weather network and hearing yet another snowstorm on the way today. I thought surely they will cancel the buses once again and maybe even close the schools. No, all systems ago, the buses and schools are open. My bet is we will get a call this afternoon that the buses will be sending the kiddies home early.

I am a betting women, speaking of betting. A friend who attends the same daycare won an all-inclusive trip for 2 at a 5 star resort in the Dominican Republic this week at a local radio station. Can you imagine! I touched her – just for luck. I couldn’t believe her luck, she dropped her kids off just like any other day. She sat in her Van to hear the radio contest. She told us she didn’t have a radio in the house and she knew their was only 10 minutes to call in if her name was announced.   Amanda her daycare provider asked her daughter “Where is Mommy?” She said “Oh she is in the car, winning a trip” Amanda chuckled and thought “Oh sure she is?”

Well several minutes later Lisa (trip winner) came in babbling with cell phone in hand.  “Yes my name is Lisa, oops I just peed my pants” She was jumping up and down, yelling and screaming with Amanda “I WON….. I WON…. I WON!” All this time she was on the radio live. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.  Can you imagine? It really can happen!

Since it is a snowy, blowy kind of day and I have a few minutes, I think this girl just might enter a few contests. Maybe I will win my dream trip to Cuba. Wait…. I hear my phone ringing it is my Aunt Judy calling “she said her and her sister (my mom), just got in from the pool and were a little sun-burned. I could hear the surf of the ocean in the background, I am sure the Palm trees were swaying in the gentle breeze. “Let me grab a pen. I come back there is no answer. I got cut off, it must be the weather!

Talk soon ~


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